24 Jul

‘In the Heart of the Overberg’ Short Film

(I haven’t been able to find much about this stunning film short; I question why it is narrated in Afrikaans.)

Cape Town – A stunning new short film has captured the iconic Overberg in all its beauty from a refreshing, local perspective.

The exquisite landscapes captured in the footage will give you all the feels… and combined with the honest tale of one man’s point of view about his home, it makes for a authentic story about the area.

The video, produced by Cape Town-born director Jacques Naude, follows the life and thoughts of an elder whose love for the area shines through in his Afrikaans narration of the region.

“How often my eyes have wandered across these mountains,” the story starts… and continues to follow the man’s life as he walks the viewer through everyday happenings of the Overberg – a Sunday church service, a woman baking bread and children carelessly playing in one of the most beautiful landscapes in SA.

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