7 Aug

Kheris Rogers, Previously Bullied is Radiant in Photo Series

by Cree B. McClellan | AfroPunk


ATTENTION: To all the confused, brain-washed bullies who tried to call Kheris Rogers out for her skin, we say, “Thank You!” because look at her now: unapologetically slaying and making moves comfortably. Oh yeah, and she’s just 10-years old.

In stunning new series from Creative Soul Photo, the young designer–known for her empowering t-shirt line “Flexin’ In My Complexion“–flaunts her beautiful skin in angelic fashion as she sets an example of self-love for all.

If Kheris can teach us anything, it’s that you’re never too young to start a conversation. With her clothing line up and running, she is raising the bar while she claps back at colonialism and the beauty standards that accompany.

Check out a young revolutionary at work in her beautiful new series below!





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